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Mr. Cliff Poon, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Cliff is an experienced professional coach who had more than 10 years of experience in the training industry and with over 800 Coaching hours and started his supervision to other coaches.  He is passionate in engaging people in seeing possibilities and breaking through their personal barriers. By helping people to clearing their goal and thoughts, Cliff is strong in coaching their clients to set up solid strategy and plans.  Cliff also provides coaching in team and organization level which engaging people in creating aligned vision and enhancing motivation and communication among the team.

Cliff is an experienced Coordinator in Leadership Training Program. He works with students, young entrepreneurs, and managers to support them achieve breakthrough and high performance. Cliff also has facilitating experience in outdoor adventure leadership training to facilitate the team development and enhance the team coorperation.  Cliff working as COO of WaiPo Engineering Company, the Director of Digital Learning and Operations of ACMA, Manager of Operation, IT and Communication Department of InVision Group, he has experience in engineering and the vision in the up today trend in the field. During his over 10 years of managing experience, he dedicates to develop the potential of his staff. He applies coaching in his management style by using a lot of questions and listening in understanding and creating shift in others thinking and attitude rather than directing their doings. He cares the staff not only on the job performance but as a whole.  

He is based in HK and can conduct coaching and training in Cantonese (native) and Mandarin (Fluent).

  • Certified Professional Performance Coach
  • Certified The Preference® Advisor
  • Certified The Preference® Mindset Seminar Trainer
  • Graduated from Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy Trainer Apprentice Programme
  • COO of WaiPo Engineering Company
  • Director of Digital Learning and Operations of ACMA
  • Manager of Operation, IT and Communication Department of InVision Group
  • Higher Diploma in Electronic and Communications Engineering
  • Supervisor in Treehole Coaching Programme x innoBrand by ACMA and JCI Victoria
  • Coordinator in Leadership Training Program

Dobe Chung 鍾美玉






Jenny Chan 陳珮芬, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

I want to create a love, contribution, united world.
Most of my customers are housewives, teenagers and working people.
I am a love, patient, flexible woman. Everything is possible and everyone can be success.

Kelven Chiu 邱旻澍


Kelven 的工作經驗主要在科技產業有十餘年的程式設計背景,與數年的產品行銷推廣經驗。




台灣中華科技大學 電子工程學系

ACMA亞州教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證

Kodoko Chang

Kodoko Chang為一位中文專業認證教練。她善於與個人及企業團體合作,支持你們規劃設計目標,採用適當的行動,令你們得到想獲取的結果。她的專長是聆聽與提問有力量的問題,她會跟你們合作,使你們能大幅提升自我醒覺的能力。


    Kodoko Chang承諾創造真誠互信合作的環境,使你們自發性地找尋人生的各種可能性並且勇敢地往下一步前進。她的指引對象包含商業人士及想找尋人生新目標的人。


    Kodoko Chang曾在出版業,旅遊業,金融保險業及補教業服務。跨產業的工作歷練造就她閱歷豐富的職涯經驗。她曾於2006年在日本東京早稻田大學進修,留日期間曾與來自世界各國的同學交流,對於創造與人之間的關係有著獨到的見解。


    身為ACMA 認證專業績效教練,她明白自己的出現能為身邊的人創造人生的新價值,她會為你們站著立場找到人生新的方向,並大力協助你們達成所想創造的人生結果。



2000~2001  輔大校刊社社長

2003       國際扶輪社3480地區稻江扶輪社扶青團秘書

2012       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會監事

2013       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會第一副會長

2014       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會連絡






ACMA 認證專業績效教練

Ling Chow 周小玲, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy ACMA is the pioneer in the provision of resources for success, leading you towards the certification as professional performance coach. ACMA, members of the InVision Group, are specialised in providing professional services in corporate training and corporate coaching to enterprises in the Greater China, and facilitating enterprises to apply scientific and effective management tools to create pinnacle of success. Our mission is “Building on Your Value, Creating the future of your business”.


Ming Chan 陳高明, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal mission: love, care, integrity

Customer: professional example: doctor, CEO, trainer

Characteristics: sensitive, professional, affinity