
Mr. Eric Chau

Mr. Eric Chau



Eric是盛幄認證探索四十課程執業導師。Eric有三十年從商經驗,從2003年接觸到變革型領導發展及指引技術,之後一直參與指引技術工作,帶領過數十隊團隊,熱衷於透過教練指引帶領他人提升個人及團隊績效,激勵他人在生命中創造願景及非凡成果。 亦是全球三大教練協會之一教練學國際協會Association for Coaching (AC)認可為全球第二高級別認證PEC專業企業教練。


Eric 深信每一個人都俱備所有資源,同時亦承諾協助每一個指引對像釋放他們的內在潛能。 他是一個細心的聆聽者,擅於提問有力量的問題,透過區分引發他人更深層的自我探索及醒悟。他的指引對像包括商界及努力為自我人生變革的人士,精於指引他人改善與伴侶之親密關係。


作為資深總教練及探索講師,Eric不斷培養他人成為教練及總教練, 努力鑽研教練技術,目的是在亞洲推廣專業教練文化,令專業教練文化能在此地方片地開花,貢獻社會成就更多人,使其為自我人生創造最大價值。




EricACMA 學習及發展總監暨教練督學,The Preference 彩析資深導師,教練學國際協會Association for Coaching (AC)全球第二高級別教練認證PEC專業企業教練,及國家教育部成人教育協會(企業教練師)中級導師認證。

Karen Lin 林維貞

Karen Lin 林維貞

Karen is passionate about personal leadership and team building and organization and management, and she believes that everyone has their own unique value and characteristics, through the coaching can play a personal high efficiency and create excellent results, clear goals and objectives, clear and effective strategies and plans, and then achieve the dreams and the goals.

Karen's advantage is keen observation, clear purpose and category, empathy to listen, good at thoughtful questions and direct responses, to guide people to “use the advantages of talent, create results effectively”.

Dr. Timax Tsang 曾京博士

Dr. Timax Tsang 曾京博士

Timax leads entrepreneurs and business leaders to open up opportunities and create the future in achieving sustainable successes in the Greater China, through committed and powerful coaching.

Timax is an entrepreneur in China-Europe/U.S. business for 25 years, Executive Director of InVision Group, Senior Faculty Coach of ACMA Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy, Chairman of InVision Charity Foundation Limited and Honorary Chairman of Xuan Yuan Education Fund Association that support the education and growth of underprivileged children and young people in Hong Kong and China.

Timax is enthusiastic about leadership development of business leaders, performance coaching to CEO and Board Level, and coaching start-up entrepreneurs from ideation and implementation to business successes. He is passionate about accelerating the professionalism of coaching and the delivery of CEO/executive coaching services of international level in the Greater China.