Professional Team -

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Mr. Cliff Poon, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Cliff is an experienced professional coach who had more than 10 years of experience in the training industry and with over 800 Coaching hours and started his supervision to other coaches.  He is passionate in engaging people in seeing possibilities and breaking through their personal barriers. By helping people to clearing their goal and thoughts, Cliff is strong in coaching their clients to set up solid strategy and plans.  Cliff also provides coaching in team and organization level which engaging people in creating aligned vision and enhancing motivation and communication among the team.

Cliff is an experienced Coordinator in Leadership Training Program. He works with students, young entrepreneurs, and managers to support them achieve breakthrough and high performance. Cliff also has facilitating experience in outdoor adventure leadership training to facilitate the team development and enhance the team coorperation.  Cliff working as COO of WaiPo Engineering Company, the Director of Digital Learning and Operations of ACMA, Manager of Operation, IT and Communication Department of InVision Group, he has experience in engineering and the vision in the up today trend in the field. During his over 10 years of managing experience, he dedicates to develop the potential of his staff. He applies coaching in his management style by using a lot of questions and listening in understanding and creating shift in others thinking and attitude rather than directing their doings. He cares the staff not only on the job performance but as a whole.  

He is based in HK and can conduct coaching and training in Cantonese (native) and Mandarin (Fluent).

  • Certified Professional Performance Coach
  • Certified The Preference® Advisor
  • Certified The Preference® Mindset Seminar Trainer
  • Graduated from Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy Trainer Apprentice Programme
  • COO of WaiPo Engineering Company
  • Director of Digital Learning and Operations of ACMA
  • Manager of Operation, IT and Communication Department of InVision Group
  • Higher Diploma in Electronic and Communications Engineering
  • Supervisor in Treehole Coaching Programme x innoBrand by ACMA and JCI Victoria
  • Coordinator in Leadership Training Program

Aaron Guo 郭志城, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

I am now 45 years old, married, has a 17 year old son, has been working in IN department of Odyssey for 5 years. My mission is to be the best person, build a best company. I serve IN graduates, small entrepreneurs and managers. my characteristics are quick response, direct, empathy, strength, loyalty, concentration, responsibility

Agatha Yeh 葉友青

Agatha葉友青, 是一位擁有近20年經驗的資深行銷企劃及經營管理高階經理人. 她擅長以行銷企劃專業及高績效教練指引技術, 協助企業穩健經營成長, 承諾企業與個人邁向成功!

Agatha本人教練資歷畢業於ACMA亞洲教練導師學院, 經ICF國際教練聯合會認證, 是一位具有多年行銷實務經驗的認證教練. 她透過專業教練指引技術為企業客戶培育高績效的行銷企劃人才及業務團隊, 為企業中高階主管指引營運方向, 同時以熱情、同理、真誠的溝通及指引, 協助並鍛鍊指引對象人生全方位的成長!

Agatha以熱情、付出、信任的承諾與立場, 協助他人達成人生願景, 協助企業達成目標, 與指引對象一起為持續成功而努力!!

Alice Liao

Andy Fu



於2007年成為管理層,由營業經理晉升到資深區域經理,七年間已培養出3位分行經理及一名助理分行經理,對於提升工作效率及培養領袖有相當的經驗,於2010年起獲邀為「投資相連式壽險」指定培訓講師,2011年起兼任AXA Management Associate Program指定培訓講師。




  • 皇家百聖大學-工商管理碩士
  • ACMA 香港亞洲教練及導師學院專業教練國際認證

Angel Li 李卿華

Angel擁有接近25年的工商經驗, 曾先後任職日本及香港、世界的知名時裝品牌任職零售市場和資深採購業務, 創造出輝煌的業績和團隊業務成績。

自1995年起, Angel從事領袖訓練事業, 至今已接近20年, 現職香港願景集團(Invision Group)的誠信領袖學習研修部副總監, “IN誠信領袖”學習研修課程的資深講師, 分別在大中華地區, 香港, 台灣, 澳門,廣州、佛山培育訓練歷屆誠信領袖系列、領城市精英及人生績效教練等等、

Angel在促進個人成長及突破方面有資深豐富經驗。在與不同性格、地域文化、時尚科技行業、資深的客戶及指引對象指供指引、和合作中, 擅於發揮深入淺出和共識共溶的技巧, 引領、引犮客戶建立信任及和指導合作關係中。透過經驗、理解學員、客戶需求達至指引有效創造成果和需求, 並以教練指引的責任及擁有感,給予客戶對象有力量去發掘自己才華才能和優勢, 發揮無限的可能性, 從而有效地指引及推動客戶及學員面對跨越目標創造輝煌成效, 內外兼修, 達成理想事業,家庭, 持續成功持續成長。

作為一個指導教練/學院教練, Angel以“誠信、操守、專業”的理念致力於個人文化及領導實力的培養, 激發客戶及學爾、採取有生產力的行動, 進而實現客戶及學員在家庭, 事業等範疇的願景。實現你的願景, 亦是Angel的使命和抱負。

-International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach 2014
-Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy (ACMA)亞洲教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證2014
-HongKong INVision香港願景教練指引證書 2006
-全國高級注冊企業文化講師 2007
-CETTIC中國勞動及-社會保障部企業文化管理師 2008
1978香港大一設計學院, 修業服裝設計。

Bianca Wang 王月嬌




Bianca 對身為 ACMA 團隊成員感到非常榮幸,能夠為創建東南亞地區不斷成長的專業教練社群而貢獻。她承諾帶出卓越的指引成果給教練們,及引領指引對象開啟各種可能性、正面積極成功的機會。




• 台北亞洲教練及導師學院教練指引證書

• 上海百歐經貿有限公司 顧問

• 台灣百歐尼仕經貿股份有限公司 負責人

• 台灣 鼎琨科技有限公司 董事

• 香港 Super Bright Enterprise Co., Ltd. 董事

• 香港 Excel Wealth Engineering Company 董事

Bodhicitta Zheng 鄭東紅





  • 廣東廣播電視大學  法律專業
  • 佛山市科學技術幹部局頒發  助理會計師
  • 中華人民共和國司法部律師資格審查委員會頒發  律師
  • 亞太財務策劃聯會(APFinSA) 頒發  國際特許注冊財務策劃師
  • 人事部全國人才流動中心頒發  高級財務管理師
  • 中國保險監督管理委員會頒發  保險代理人
  • 中國保險監督管理委員會頒發  保險經紀人
  • 國際管理咨詢協會(ICMCI)頒發  國際管理咨詢師
  • 中華人民共和國人力資源和社會保障部頒發  高級企業培訓師一級

Brian Mak 麥捷銘

Brian 協助有願景的中小企業家,透過有力量,智慧,嚴謹的指引,使他們創建理事業及團隊



學歷:ACMA香港亞洲教練及導師學院 専業教練國際認證

Candy Yeung 楊寶茹, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal mission: Candy believes everyone has their ability and are talented. They have loads of potential and possibilities that can be discovered.

Type of customers: Small and medium entrepreneurs, senior managers, existing staffs

Characteristics: Stable, professional, willing to face difficulties, has own thoughts, trustworthy, willing to listen and able to distinguish.

Candy serves entrepreneurs, through professional and neutral guidance, create team context, make the targets and vision clear, so to guide them being creative and achieve their goals. Candy serves individuals, through trust and neutral guidance, give a clear vision and guide them being creative and create worth of life.

Crystal Li 李瑞濃, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Crystal is a loving coach with stand. At the same time she likes to stretch out different views and behavior on affairs and relationship. She believes people need to break through their own obstacles by looking inside and to discipline oneself by accepting oneself first.

Crystal believes that people are in three-dimensional, she is good at using keen insight and empathy with the ability to leading others finding more inner strength, inspiring others willing to self-confirmation, taking action and to grow their own authentic self.

After being a coach for seven years, Crystal has interacted with thousands of people and has a deep understanding on people's inner activities and external behavior. By delivering kind and open feelings to others to create a wonderful life for them.

Crystal's motto: follow your heart with no regret.

Crystal commits to coaching people who desire to create a harmonious family, enhance relationship with husband or wife, look for intimate partner or improve parent-child relationship. In addition, how to build up the relationship between oneself and their inner self with the flow of power and love, so that all kinds of relationships could be free and joy. Crystal believes she could help you to strengthen your inner self and receive a deepen joy on your growth of body-mind-spirit when she works with you. She believes she could add values to yours happiness and joy.

  • Graduated from IN114 in InVision
  • Has been servicing in Coach Service Organization for five years
  • ACMA Asia Coaching & Mentoring Academy Professional Coach International Certification
  • ICF international certification senior high performance coach
  • 3rd weekend trainer
  • Heart Chorus holder
  • Senior coordinator

Daisy Wang 王韻涵, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Daisy was born in Taiwan, which combines traditional and modern culture. Her characteristic has many conflicts which comprises gentle and perseverance、inclusive and persistent、calm and enthusiastic. She loves her various characteristic and also admire people who have various unique characteristic.

She has started to engage in personal training since 2009,and she loves seeing people’s breakthrough in mindset and behavior. She is good at conducting breakthrough and raising in different kinds of relationship, containing interpersonal relationship、intimate relationship、Parent-child relationship, and she also goods at raising the accomplishment of sense of self-worth.


Danny Ng 吳國鴻, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal mission: Using his sincerity and his greater self to perform duties on transformation, to transform people who are ready for transformation so as to serve the society and create outcomes. 

Type of customer: Shipping, clerk, police, teacher, Government executives, housewives, businessman, beautician, direct sales team, student, etc. Age group: from 18 to 90

Personal characteristics: Using my insight, reading and listening skills to link up students through coaching.

Profile Bio

  • Member of China Enterprise Culture Improvement Association (CECIA)
  • National Senior Registered Corporate Cultural Lecturer – CETTIC
  • Corporate Cultural Executive China of Bureau of Labor and Social Security
  • ACMA - Professional Performance Coach
  • ACMA - Advanced & Mastery Coaching Certification

Danny provides more services on business internal training/coaching, such as how to create a team with professional coaching and how to use their execution and team spirit to create best results monthly.


Diana Zhou 周丹喬







海南旅遊職業技術學院  公共關係管理




Hong Kong InVision香港願景 教練指引證書

ACMA香港亞州教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證

Dobe Chung 鍾美玉






Dr. Angus Ho 何樂新博士

Dr. Angus Ho aim at providing performance coaching to on-job continuous education people, tertiary education students as well as business management people in order to facilitate them to create possibilities and to reach beyond themselves. He has over 23 years of experience in business development, project management, business operations and management while 15 years in senior management position. Prior to joining the current company, Dr. Ho held various management positions in leading building services, building automation and telecommunication public listed companies.


Angus is now a Group General Manager an Information and Communications technologies (ICT) Holdings Limited in Hong Kong. Apart from the management role in Hong Kong, he has gained many years of experience in strategic planning, business and product development as well as project management in UAE, African, China and ASEAN regions.

Angus is a target oriented person, he has very good analytical mind and accountability. Through building rapport with others, he can effectively facilitate others’ potential capabilities; create possibilities and ultimately reaching beyond themselves.


Doctorate Degree of Business Administration-Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Master Degree of Information Technology Management - Macquarie University

Bachelor's Degree in Commerce-Curtin University of Technology

National Diploma in Electronic and Communications Engineering-BTEC

ICF Master Coach Certification- ACMA

NLP Master Practitioner

Dr. Gilbert Lo 羅羽明博士

The Executive and Life Coach that Excels in Facilitating your Successes via Paradigm Shift

Dr. Gilbert Lo is a bilingual and bicultural English-Chinese Advanced Coaching Certification holder with a sincere passion to supporting coachees in designing goals and taking the action required to achieve them. He is impeccable in listening and asking powerful questions that create self awareness in others.  Gilbert is committed to creating a safe space for clients to explore different possibilities and create new strategies to move forward.  His clients include highly successful leaders in business and those in life transition situations.

Being a passionate coach, his energetic style earned him the reputation as one of the most lively and effective coaches in Hong Kong and China. His humor, his knowledge and his wisdom were built upon comprehensive experience in business, psychological therapies and coaching.  Besides, Gilbert fine-tuned his knowledge and skills through learning from masters of modern days, e.g., Barbara Fagen, Helen Palmer, Don Riso, Ron Hudson, and Tony Robins, on Coaching, Enneagram, Neuro-linguistics Programming and Hypnotherapy.

Being one of the most welcome speakers, Gilbert was appointed as lecturer/speaker for the University of Wales, UK; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; HK Lingnan University and Shanghai Finance & Economic University, etc.  He has also been a long time PhD and EdD supervisor for The Bulacan University and The Tarlac University of the Philippines.  He has also been appointed as MBA Supervisor of The University of Wales, UK.

Having years of cross cultural experience in the Greater China and South East Asia Regions, Gilbert has been successful in turning theories into readily applicable skills and knowledge when he gives coaching. His coachees have been benefited via his lively yet day-to-day examples. Gilbert has a wealth of specializations and he covered areas like: Executive and Life Coaching, Relations Coaching, Management Development, Business Psychological Applications, Psychotherapy Applications and Parenting, etc.

Education and Qualifications:

B.A. Philosophy – Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

L.L.B. – University of Wolverhampton, UK

M.B.A.  – University of East Asia, Macau

PhD – Bulacan State University, the Philippines

Certified General Mediator, HKIAC, HKMML, HK

Certified Master Practitioner, ABNLP, USA

Certified Hypnotherapist, IMDHA, USA

Advanced Coaching Certification, ACMA, HK

Fandy Lee 李淑君, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Fandy is the manager of Integrity Leadership Department for Hong Kong InVision Village Limited, IN head coach and weekend trainer. She has eleven years of experience leading the Transformational Leadership Team, who has previously directed numerous adult leaders to enhance their personal leadership and performance on their life goal. She also has 6 years of experience in banking business. She is married, with two sons.

She is good at using categorical guidance and performance guidelines to help guide the object to enhance the quality and attitude of the individual leaders, so as to create the growth of all aspects of life, especially in the field of career, family relations, contribution to the three areas of life the most significant achievements in the field. She always listens carefully to your needs and goals to provide precise guidelines to customize the rigorous action plan and structure, to create results for the target.

As a coach, you can trust her commitment, focus and responsibility.


Henry So








自1997年,Henry開展培訓事業,與亞洲最大型的培訓公司Asia Works有限公司合作,加入Asia Works企業部門,為香港主要的企業及政府各部門提供體驗式培訓計劃。客戶包括Hutchison Group、公務員事務局、利豐集團、廉政公署、港龍航空、香港大學、東方海外貨櫃航運公司、鷹君集團、明愛、香港投資推廣署、中電、富達等等。Henry為營運及高級管理層提供培訓,內容包括建立團隊、領導才能發展、溝通技巧等等。




  • The Abbey School - Colorado USA 畢業於美國科羅拉多州修道院學校
  • College of Notre Dame - California USA美國加洲聖母院大學畢業生
  • Hong Kong AsiaWorks 企業培訓師- 室內及戶外企業訓練
  • ACMA香港亞州教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證

Honey Wong 黃偉虹

Honey Wong黃偉虹, ACMA  專業教練國際認證    



•    Jinan University Guangzhou廣州暨南大學 電子工程工學學士
•    ACMA香港亞洲教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證

Ivan Liang 梁允聰







Hong Kong Invsion 香港願景教練指引證書

ACMA 認證國際績效教練

Jacqueline Zhang 張貴英, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal mission: to believe that everyone is capable and talented, has the greatest potential, the most likely to be able to be played.
Client type: small and medium business owners, staff
Personal characteristics: good at vision, value to promote, listen and distinguish

James Wu

James是一位非常有感染力,說服力,判斷力和幽默感的專業認證績效教練,他既嚴謹又親和 ; 擁有超過25年的企業及團隊行銷管理經驗。






Janet Mak 麥詠曦, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Together we create meaningful life.
Maximize your potentials with Love and Passion.

Janet focusing on coaching those who want to achieve goals more effectively and seek for personal growth. Also passion towards coaching those who want to create love, harmonies and happiness in family and relationships.

Janet received her Bachelor of Psychology in 2007. She has working with the training company for over five years and received different personal growth trainings and seminars. She is loving and patience, good at creating an open and compassion environment for clients to truly express themselves. She believes in the possibilities and virtue of people. She is good at listening and coaching clients to believe in themselves and their goals and create possibilities and actions.
Janet loves to work together with her clients to learn and love more about themselves. She wants everyone to find their own meaningful life and maximize their potentials to pursue their dreams.


Jenny Chan 陳珮芬, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

I want to create a love, contribution, united world.
Most of my customers are housewives, teenagers and working people.
I am a love, patient, flexible woman. Everything is possible and everyone can be success.

Joan Huang 黃瓊華

JOAN, a professional coach for the Asian coaches and mentors. Eager to help people who want to have a happy life, through professional guidance, love and compassion and commitment to achieve a meaningful life.

JOAN is married and has four children. At the same time, the director of the private enterprise. As a mother, Joan knows the importance of family relationship and parent-child relationship to grow up. As a small business owner, well aware of the need for modern women to balance the needs of the family business. For the purpose of this four years, it has been established for management of children's education center. To promote children's education in music, to develop their parents school. Let the parents learn to understand their children's growth through learning, learning communication skills, to promote respect for the first love in the back, so that parents have a harmonious relationship with the quality of the parent-child relationship.

If you have a commitment to promote the balance of family and career, if you have a commitment to improve parent-child relationship, if you have promised to create a happy life, please contact me immediately.

Joan very empathy, I believe the people endowed with, as long as you promise, all have the possibility firmly believe that love and creation can make you have the ideal life.



Major in Business Administration
Children education and education program of Chinese University Hong Kong
Former president of an educational institution
Satir tutor certificate
ACMA Hongkong coach and instructor of the international certification of professional coaches


John Guo 郭祥傳, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

The vision of the company is to create a high performance of the enterprise, Our mission is to achieve others' dreams, help and serve the beauty industries across the country to create a high performance team and enhance their performance. I always be positive, willing to help people, share and give my effort out.

Kelven Chiu 邱旻澍


Kelven 的工作經驗主要在科技產業有十餘年的程式設計背景,與數年的產品行銷推廣經驗。




台灣中華科技大學 電子工程學系

ACMA亞州教練及導師學院 專業教練國際認證

Ken Ho 何宗權

Ken Ho 是一位專業認證績效教練。Ken從事毛衫生產管理、出口及销售,在國內擁有合資工廠。工作近三十年,堅信創新改革,採取有效行動,達至卓越成果,形成顧主與顧員及客戶之間三贏局面。

Ken榮幸成為亞洲先鋒教練團隊之一,一直在INVISON平臺上貢獻付出成長。2013年獲取 INVISON外展訓練指導員資格,帶領來自不同階層的領袖團隊,創造高峰,提升個人能力及團隊凝聚力。


Kodoko Chang

Kodoko Chang為一位中文專業認證教練。她善於與個人及企業團體合作,支持你們規劃設計目標,採用適當的行動,令你們得到想獲取的結果。她的專長是聆聽與提問有力量的問題,她會跟你們合作,使你們能大幅提升自我醒覺的能力。


    Kodoko Chang承諾創造真誠互信合作的環境,使你們自發性地找尋人生的各種可能性並且勇敢地往下一步前進。她的指引對象包含商業人士及想找尋人生新目標的人。


    Kodoko Chang曾在出版業,旅遊業,金融保險業及補教業服務。跨產業的工作歷練造就她閱歷豐富的職涯經驗。她曾於2006年在日本東京早稻田大學進修,留日期間曾與來自世界各國的同學交流,對於創造與人之間的關係有著獨到的見解。


    身為ACMA 認證專業績效教練,她明白自己的出現能為身邊的人創造人生的新價值,她會為你們站著立場找到人生新的方向,並大力協助你們達成所想創造的人生結果。



2000~2001  輔大校刊社社長

2003       國際扶輪社3480地區稻江扶輪社扶青團秘書

2012       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會監事

2013       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會第一副會長

2014       國際獅子會300B1區菁英獅子會連絡






ACMA 認證專業績效教練

Koodie Lee 李沛權, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Koodie uses his sincerity and simplicity to support the others. He thinks everyone has infinite possibilities. He is good at inspriring others to challenge, clarify their plans and goals. Koodie has 8 years of experiences in the catering industry. He likes connecting with people. He is now working in operation department of Hong Kong InVision Village Ltd. His careful and rigorous support team works smoothly.

People can rely on Koodie due to his simple, sincerity and empathy. His mission and survival purpose is supporting others to grow. Koodie is good at supporting interpersonal relationships. He thinks people's relationships are based on trust and communication. He could help you to clear your common goal with your partner and co-create a different future.


Ling Chow 周小玲, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy ACMA is the pioneer in the provision of resources for success, leading you towards the certification as professional performance coach. ACMA, members of the InVision Group, are specialised in providing professional services in corporate training and corporate coaching to enterprises in the Greater China, and facilitating enterprises to apply scientific and effective management tools to create pinnacle of success. Our mission is “Building on Your Value, Creating the future of your business”.


Man Tong 湯健民, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal Mission: Man believes everyone have their own bright point, he will empower people 100% express themselves, especially in their family and their company. He is familiar in coaching people to become a leader. He has 10 years of experience in banking industry and marketing.

Man coaches different types of customers in the past ten years such as garment, manufacturing, insurance, and finance industry.

Man is keen on empowering people by positive coaching.

Ming Chan 陳高明, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Personal mission: love, care, integrity

Customer: professional example: doctor, CEO, trainer

Characteristics: sensitive, professional, affinity

Oleta Tam 譚琝蓁, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

In 2015, Oleta was certified by Asia Coaching and Mentoring Academy (ACMA) as a Professional Performance Coach, by completing the International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited Advanced Coaching Certification, organized by ACMA. 

Oleta is a fully Certified Emergenetics Associate since 2014, and has personally led and coached more than 1,000 people using the Emergenetics Profile across the Greater China region, including Hong Kong, Macau, China and Taiwan. Fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English, she has conducted training programmes in these languages and have impacted executives and intact teams in both small-medium enterprises and large corporate organisations. 

 Being a content expert, she also coached and supervised new Emergenetics® Associates in completing the Blueprint process designed to anchor learning and uphold standards. In addition to her work with Associates in the Blueprint Program, she is a resource to all Associates in their Emergenetics® work with clients. 

Oleta graduated from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) with a Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science (Hons) and holds a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PCEd) from The University of Hong Kong. She spent two years as a tutor in the Institute of Vocational Education and one year as a teacher in Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre.

As one who stongly believes in people and human capital development, Oleta volunteers in her alma mater under the HKU Mentorship Programme, which dedicates its efforts to contributing to the development of talent for the future.

Oliver Hsu 徐逸竹, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Up to 10 years to assume a training coach and a course lecturer in the personal and corporate training company. Oliver has a passionate and kind mind, and she is good at relationship communication, coordination, team management, administrative management. Moreover, she would assist workmate and supervisor to lead team more close to provide the best service to customer.

On working skill, she has practiced skill for office software, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel …etc, and good at coordinating between departments, management for public affairs and execution. She is proficient at Mandarin and general at English reading and conversation.

Oliver has taught many students to get brilliant results for their work and relationship.


Qiu Xiao











Rachel Lin 林婧憓
















ACMA亞洲教練及導師學院  國際認證專業績效教練

Raymond Yip 葉冠呈

Personal mission: committing to deliver coaching in order to inspire people's creativity, quality and make use of all resources to create an abundance life and achievement.
Type of customer: Businessman, Executives, Insurance agents and managers, Sales
Personal Characteristics: Empathy, Caring, Passion, Joy, Creativity

Raymond has been coaching two companies in Macau who are CEO and two district managers of Manulife life Insurance International ltd.

Raymond's coaching mainly focus on creativity and possibilities, so as to leading clients to breakthrough their minds, executing goals and creating outcomes with plans. Raymond also provides service on relationship coaching for couples, coaching them how to trust and commit their relationship, and how to create a harmony, trusting and intimate relationship.

Rina Su












Robert Hsu 許運禮

姓名:許運禮 ROBERT

學經歷 :震旦行 技師







許運禮 名如其人,有承諾、負責任。具有業務銷售經營資歷30年∘



在成就的光環下 你依然記得初衷嗎 ?

Rola Luo 羅娜, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

My mission is to help people around achieve their dreams and live happily. The type of customers that i serve include entrepreneurs and managers. My characteristics are love, passionate, commitment and willing to contribute.

Rui Zhou 周銳, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Since August 2015, Rui is serving Guangdong Odyssey under InVision Group. His dream is to become a mentor and a professional coach. He committed to leading others to create a prosperous and sustained high quality of life, showing personal characteristics with stability, trusting and professional.

Service business owners, through professional, neutral guidelines, clear vision, lead to creativity, construction team, to achieve development goals; Service individuals, through sincere, neutral guidance, a clear vision, lead to creativity, improve the quality of life, to achieve the value of life.


Sun Lee 李佩璇, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Sun believes that everyone is filled with connotation and possibilities, and also has unique characteristic which can let them have a colorful life. She is good at guiding for families、teenagers and young people who are going to start an enterprise. In order to coach them to be much more clearly understand their direction, and also can be more powerful during their travel, during coaching, she will be patient and accompany with you with skillful coaching techniques.

As your professional coach, you can completely trust Sun, and she will lead you to discover who you are and accomplish the important dream in your life.


Tony Zhang

Tony Zhang 张东源










6.全国高级注册企业文化讲师( 2010年)

7.中国人力资源和社会保障部企业文化管理师师资 (2010年);


Vivian Leung 梁靜雯, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Vivian is the manager of a personal training company, IN coordinator and also a professional coach. Vivian believes every single life is important, so her mission is to ensure that every person who appears in her life has grown up and create the results.

Type of customer: Relationship coaching, Family coaching, Personal Performance coaching.

Yan Yuan 袁燕






Yuan Fu 付園園, AC 專業會員 (MAC)

Yuan's mission is to deliver goodliness, joyfulness and abundance to everyone, so that more people to live with their authentic self.

Type of customer: staff, start up entrepreneurs, freelancers, women

Personal characteristics: self-confidence, passion, loving, warm